The most surfed giant waves in the world
Why are these giant waves so scary and dangerous? Immense and irregular walls, absurd volumes of water, strong currents, sharp rocks, shallow bottoms of very sharp corals and many sharks are some of the reasons.
And yet there are a lot of big rider (crazy surfer) (big wave surfer) who look wildly and cannot find out about a big swell entering these spots that drops everything and runs after these mountains of water.
SwellBut make no mistake, friend, it is not just getting bored with the 2 meter waves and running to Nazaré to open your horizons. To perform with an adrenaline overdose surfing these beauties you must be an experienced surfer, a lot of dedication, courses, heavy training, special equipment, a support team and a lot of courage. Besides, it is very difficult to drop these waves without the town-in, which is when the surfer is pulled by a jet-ski to get on the wave.
hard to drop these wavesGiant wave surfing is increasingly on the rise. Every year the WSL gathers the cream of the big riders for the award that replaced the Billabong XXL Awards, the Big Wave Awards (big wave awards), which is like the “Oscar of the giant waves”. There are six categories in all: Wave of the year, biggest wave in the row, biggest wave, biggest tube, best performance and cow of the year. Carlos Burle, Maya Gabeira and Danilo Couto are some of the biggest Brazilian names they represent in big waves.
It is in Tahiti - French Polynesia. The heaviest wave and one of the most challenging in the world for sure. When the swell gets big it looks more like the sea is folding in the middle than a wave. It breaks 1km away on the outside, on top of a very sharp and very shallow coral bench, less than half a meter deep. I explained how it is formed here in the post of 11 WCT peaks. Five deaths counted since 2000 and the Portuguese translation is “wall of broken skulls”. I don't need to say anything else right?
Ghost Tree
Located on the coast of Pebble Beach in northern California, Ghost tree is the coldest and most infested white shark peak in the world. usually a town-in wave, this right took the life of Renowned Californian surfer Peter Davi. It needs a gigantic swell to break, and when it comes from the North Pacific, the waves reach 24m high and 6m wide. That is, this is for those who do not care for giant waves or even cold water right!
Cortes bank
It is on an island submerged literally in the middle of the ocean, 160 km away from the California coast. Bank cuts don't break often, but when it breaks it's a real monster. Apart from the distance from the coast and the difficulty of access, other factors that are also part of this scenario are sunken ships, white sharks and currents. The strength and speed of this wave are immeasurable. If you are afraid of sharks and strong currents, this wave is definitely not for you ...
Outside of HoutBay and a few kilometers from Cape Town, in South Africa, there is Dungeons. These immense and icy rights break about 2km offshore from the coast over boulders scattered at the bottom, close to a seal colony and consequently one of the most white shark infested places on the planet. And you can only get there by boat, which makes access very difficult. Also known for the longest broths due to the depth of the waters and the strength of the waves. In conclusion, you can be crushed on a rock, or drowned in an infinite broth or eaten by white sharks in frozen water.
Nazaré is located in Praia do Norte, north of Lisbon, Portugal. It was where the American Garret McNamara surfed in 2011 just the biggest wave in the world recorded to date, with nothing more, no less than 30 meters. In 2013 Carlos Burle surfed a wave that was between 32m and 35m, but as he did not meet all requirements it was not considered a new record, as you can see in the news link. The “Nazaré canyon”, a submarine canyon a few kilometers away from the coast and the difference in the depth of the waters of this canyon compared to the shallow continental shelf, is mainly responsible for these waves that look more like tsunamis. Apart from the very strong currents that accompany these mountains of water. Nice combo, isn't it? So if size is not a document for you, go for it! lol
news linkcannon of Nazaré
Also known as Peahi, Everest's giant surf is located on the north coast of the island of Maui, Hawaii. Every year, when the famous swell comes in, there will certainly be the biggest big riders in the world hitting the spot. Surfing only in town, they are right and left that reach 21 meters in height (no wonder they called this wave Jaws, shark jaws in English), are known for their excellent quality and formation, often tubular . They are also extremely fast waves, reaching a speed of 48 km / h. And better, if you decide not to venture out, you can watch this show from the top of the cliff, from the box.
Mavericks is in Northern California. It was not considered a surfable wave because it was too dangerous. Until Jeff Clark, who grew up watching Mavericks from his school in Half Moon Bay, decided to surf it in 1975 at the age of 17. The wave that has a lip that reaches 7 m and 24m in height and took the lives of the surfers Mark Foo and Sion Milosky is icy, full of white shark and has a lip so heavy that it can hold a surfer underwater for a long time time. Another wave that is only for surfers who like cold water and don't care much for sharks…
Punta de Lobos
This left located in Pichilemu, Chile is famous for being considered the most consistent peak of big waves in the world. However, it is not only this that makes it a wave known worldwide, it is also considered one of the most dangerous waves. In addition to the water temperature being cold and the strong currents, the initial drop is made behind huge rocks known as Los Morros, and if you are unable to drop, the waves that reach 12 meters can launch you and I would say, crush you in the stones. Like dropping or dying ... But if you like some rocks this is for you!
Banzai Pipeline
It is located on the north coast of the Island of Oahu, in Hawaii, USA. With seven deaths already recorded at Pipe it is certainly one of the most dangerous waves in the world. The problem here, besides the drop being crazily vertical, is that the giant wave breaks in a bottom of coral completely uneven, very shallow and super sharp, that is, you don't know where the tips are that can tear you. Oh, and the crowd. Yes, there is considered the worst crowd of the giant waves, which can even give you a fight when you get out of the water depending on who you tried to share the wave with ... There is a certain localism too. If you want to read a little more about Pipe, we wrote about it in the post of the 11 stages of the surfing world.
post of the 11 stages of the surfing worldShipstern Bluff
Also known as Devil’s Point whose translation is Ponta do Diabo. If not the most dangerous wave, I would say that it is certainly the most challenging and savage in the world. Located on the eastern coast of Tasmania, about 30 km from the coast of Tasmania, that is, well isolated. And cold, very cold. A giant, heavy right that breaks on a granite slab in front of a cliff with some rocks around it. But the most challenging is the amount of bizarre steps that the wall of this wave has, raising the difficulty of this drop to the maximum. And as if that weren't enough, there are still some white sharks around. In short, to ride this crazy wave you have to be crazy.
Puerto Escondido
Located in Oaxaca, Mexico it is known as the Mexican Pipeline and as one of the most dangerous sand bottoms in the world. Maybe it's the wave that took the same number of lives as Pipeline. The danger here is in the strong currents and the absence of channels. The specific shape of the sand bottom will dictate whether the wave will open in a beautiful tube or close making it unpredictable many times. It is not enough to roll the giant swell, the shape of the fund must also cooperate. Being able to drop by rowing this giant that can go well over 6m is already an achievement in itself. Oh and survive the broth if it also vacates for sure.
Belharra's corals are about 2 km away from the French coast, close to the Spanish border. Not as deadly as the other waves in this post, but one of the biggest waves ever surfed on the European continent. Large Nazaré type with waves that reach 18m in height. As it is a peak that was discovered not long ago, there were not many swells surfed yet, but the ones that were were immense. to surf this mountain of water, only with town-in, and a lot of courage.
Located in Haleiwa, on the north coast of the island of Oahu in Hawaii, Waimea is a historic peak. The grandfather of the giant wave peaks, is known as one of the first places where surfers ventured on big waves in the 50s. It is also one of the most respected surf events of all time, the giant wave tournament in memory. by Eddie Aikau, the legendary surfer and first lifesaver on the north coast of Oahu. This wave that can reach 18m in height breaks with a deadly force. Surfers like Dickie Cross and Donnie Solomon lost their lives in this wave. As Hawaiian surfer Dennis Pang said, “In Pipeline it turns white when you're underwater, in Sunset it turns gray. Waimea is black. ”
Located in Tavarua, Fiji, it is considered one of the fastest waves, and when the sections come together, the longest in the world. A rare phenomenon happens in this wave, as it increases in size, its perfection and speed accompanies it. When a large swell enters, the three sections come together to form an epic tube, perfect and so long that you can practically only enter town in. If you decide to drop the first wave of the series make sure that you will be able to get out of it because if it is gone, you will take about four or five waves on your head and one bigger than the other because the waves are growing during the series, apart from the bottom shallow of sharp corals where you don’t want to land. There is also a shark occasionally there. Every perfection has its price, doesn't it?
Frequently Asked Questions
- What characteristics make these giant waves most surfed, and what challenges do they present to professional surfers?
- These giant waves are most surfed due to their sheer size, power, and the extreme skill required to navigate them. They present challenges like intense speed, the risk of severe wipeouts, and the need for precise timing and physical endurance.